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Masai stories

Sarah Kronbach Hermanstad

May 2021

Head of Retail at Masai

Sarah is Masai’s retail manager. That means Sarah’s main responsibility is Masai’s shops, which includes the customer experience and contact for each woman entering a Masai shop. At Masai, you don’t just buy clothes, you find space to be yourself, and a vision for women that goes beyond conventions and box-ticking, and that’s what makes Sarah’s work so rewarding. Sarah’s extensive experience is very much an added bonus that also benefits colleagues and customers.

“I’ve worked with shops – that is, the retail industry – all my life, and there are three main experiences I’m very much aware of in my everyday life. The first is the gift I received when I moved to Paris and was lucky enough to work for Christian Louboutin. He taught me that a positive customer experience must be felt at all levels. Everyone deserves to be seen, and nobody should be without that. The second great realisation has been how privileged I am in my job here at Masai. You see, very little time elapses from a design idea taking shape, to put it in the hands of individual women. The third is what a gift it actually is to be with Masai. I’ve spent many years trying to fit in and be right, but it’s only now I’ve found contentment in being myself. I don’t have to conform or fit into a box here; I have breathing space to be myself, and it’s such a great feeling to have.”
Sarah Kronbach Hermanstad - Head of Retail

MASAI STORIES är porträtt av kvinnoliv som framförs genom tankar och reflektioner från engagerade och passionerade kvinnor. Historierna handlar om mångfald, öppenhet, mod och inte minst om friheten att vara och välja sig själv. Genom mötet med olika kvinnor, vilka alla inspirerar oss med sina livsval och sin kreativitet, är vår önskan att skapa en alldeles speciell inblick i kvinnornas världar. På detta sätt kan vi visa den skönhet och styrka som uppstår när livspassioner får möjlighet att utvecklas och när man väljer att lyssna till sig själv och göra det man drömmer om.

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