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Masai stories

Tanja Marjatta Juhl

May 2021

Senior Print Designer at Masai

Tanja is one of the creative women who help create the styles that go into the collection. Prints have always featured strongly in Masai’s DNA, and we take pride in creating beautiful, vibrant, artistic prints that are always unique to us. Tanja works artistically and with many different tools to create prints that develop the concept of a collection beautifully, underlining the ideas and sources of inspiration the designs are based on.

“Often, the print process begins with the design team shaping the general theme of an idea, and I start to draw out some elements from that. Are the design ideas based on inspiration from India, for example, or Japan? Or are we right here in Copenhagen, where Masai has its roots? I look at other factors and sources of inspiration available to us to influence the collection. I always see something I can use – a texture, for example. And now it’s so much a part of my consciousness that I just know what something can be used for, or how to translate inspiration into prints. It can be very abstract, or very specifically about which brush to use to create a special expression, so I actually have a complete toolbox with me every day as I go to work. It’s fun and delightful to be allowed to look at the world and peek into the different styles that exist, at home and abroad, as well as past and present.”
Tanja Marjatta Juhl - Senior Print Designer
Masai stories

Masai stories are portraits of women's lives, presented through thoughts and reflections from a group of dedicated and passionate women. The stories reflect on diversity, openness, courage and, not least, the freedom to be and want to be yourself. Through meetings these women, who all inspired us with their life choices and creativity, we wanted to create a special insight into women's lives. Our stories portray the strength and beauty that emerges when your life passions are allowed to blossom, and when you choose to listen to yourself and pursue your dreams.

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Elisabeth Nielsen

Den dansk-ukrainska pianisten Elisabeth Nielsen började sin musikaliska resa och upptäckte sin fascination för pianot när hon var 5 år. För henne är musiken ett språk som får sin energi från mötet med publiken.

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Masai 30 Years

De fantastiska människor som har varit med på resan är i hög grad en del av den framgången. Därför har vi bjudit in nio kvinnor, både kollegor och kunder, till ett öppet, ärligt och personligt samtal om att fylla 30, om att vara kvinna i dag och om varför Masai är så speciellt. Allt detta har samlats till en fin historia som känns som det helt korrekta sättet att fira Masai på.


Maude McNair Rahbek

Maude is Masai’s production manager, so her responsibility includes the entire process of making each piece of clothing. Maude has extensive knowledge of textiles and manufacturing techniques, and her dedication to crafting the best possible garment from the very best materials available is a daily inspiration. Maude has travelled the world and is in close contact with the people who take the design and turn it into a beautiful fashion statement.